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lotusarchon · 5 months ago
I had to make a whole google doc to sort my thoughts on this, that's how mad I am tbh. My friends have made explanations which you can find here, and here. And while I told myself that after that post I was done, seeing my friend receive a comment like this was the final pushing point I needed.
I'm both going to ramble about Nezha here again, and I'm going to try and explain this in a way that'll get people to understand, as someone who once followed an Eastern religion too + I'm going to be stating my basic thoughts here so maybe some things won't make sense.
Mild info about me: I'm from Trinidad. My family is described with East Indian descent but clearly, I'm not from India itself. My knowledge of Hinduism is rather basic because I quit religion thanks to traumatic experiences related to it, however not lacking fully. From my father's side, specifically his mother, they practice Hinduism and can even be considered devout Hindus (if I'm to believe all the statues and pictures of about almost every single Hindu god). Though my knowledge is basic, understand that I'm not Hindu nor Indian, so of course these are my opinions and my experiences with Hinduism, and I do not advise you taking my word fully to heart. I'm only trying to explain something to the LMK fandom in the best way I know how too, by referencing another Eastern religion that isn't half as popular as Daoism/Buddhism.
There's only one show I know where Hinduism is portrayed, and it's an anime/manga series called Record Of Ragnarok (Shuumatsu No Valkyrie), and from what I know it's not well liked by others (and even banned I think?) because of the fact Shiva is weaker than Zeus and the supposed sexualization of Parvati, Kali and Durga? It's been a while so I could be wrong on this though.
Why am I bringing this topic up to a rant about a lego character though?
#1) Fiction vs Religion and Reality
While one half expresses discontent and discomfort, I've seen others who clearly don't mind because Shiva is still badass and cool. I myself had some qualms about his appearance in the beginning because while I did quit religion, this was a god I used to worship, and seeing him in an anime/manga and be sexualized and simped for was…uncanny, to say the least. Overtime I grew numb to it though because it was genuinely funny and even I, an ex Hindu, found him attractive, and had not much hesitation writing smut about him in past fics. 
Similarly, I can imagine this is how Daoists and Chinese had originally felt about Nezha in Lego Monkie Kid [Only referencing LMK with Chinese deities. I'm aware there could be other media where they're in.] A bit weird at first but then overall got used to it because there's genuinely no harm done, as it's not meant to be an educational retelling of a god, but a fictional portrayal of him.
Returning to the point I mentioned with Shiva. When I first came across this series in 2021 (?), I did not feel too happy and comfortable with the image of a deity I've grown up worshipping as a child. I quit religion when I turned 13, so it's been nearly five years since I've had nothing to do with the main religion of my household; Hinduism. Still, I practically grew up worshipping this god I was taught to fear, and seeing a potrayal of him (which honestly in my opinion) didn't seem like a good thing at the time. 
Why did I eventually stop being bothered? Because this wasn't supposed to be retelling of Shiva. This was just a character with similarities to the god I worshipped, but wasn't the god. The series I watched wasn't even intending to teach audiences about any of the religions and real life figures they portrayed, they simply used them as inspiration to tell a story. They weren't accurate representations, but that was the point. It's a story about gods vs humans from history; of course it wasn't going to be accurate nor stay true to the figure they took inspiration from.
You can imagine then for a cartoon series meant to sell Legos. Lego Monkie Kid contains several characters that are known in Chinese myths and legends/religions. Of the most popular mentioned, there is Sun Wukong, one of the main characters in the series, Tang Sanzang otherwise known as Tripitaka and the Great Monk, Lady Guanyin mentioned in season 1, the one the fandom argues about, Nezha, the Jade Emperor in season 4, and most recently, Nuwa, and Heavenly Pagoda King, Li Jing. There may be others but these are the ones that are most known within the fandom. 
Mind you some of these figures are still very much worshipped now, but, point remains: the series was never intended to be a retelling of these characters stories, nor were they intended to be educational for audiences. They took inspiration directly, gave their own twists, and hence you have the story of LMK, meant to originally promote Legos and then eventually gave way to the series that this fandom belongs too.
These characters are not their source material, nor the origins of which they came from as religious figures. Sun Wukong is a Buddha within JTTW’s ends and if I'm right is still worshipped as such sometimes (?). He didn't hide away into a mountain at the end of his journey. His companions didn't die, nor were they reincarnated, but instead also acquired titles and became Buddhas as well. (Or gods? I frankly don't remember). Tang Sanzang as we've in season 4 was not some sort of brave, astute man in the book but rather a crybaby coward. Need I even point out that Nezha wouldn't have a giant mech to fight people, nor would he have such close deposition with the Jade Emperor? Or the fact that the Jade Emperor would be bested by someone like Azure Lion?
Not even counting Journey To The West and the Fengshen Yanyi, the real Tang Sanzang that Wu Cheng’en took inspiration of most certainly did not have a monkey, a pig, a water demon and a dragon turned horse with him on his journey. 
Why speak of all this?
To make my first point; religion and fiction are two very different things. Religion has existed for who knows how long, and fiction has recently decided to include fictional potrayals of these gods into stories and cartoons. From a writer's perspective, it's really interesting taking something that is a part of religion and writing it into your own works, with your own take on it.
And of course, brings me to the topic of Nezha.
Lego Monkie Kid Nezha is, according to an official writer within the show's team, an adult. Although many fans have their objections about this, supposedly because Nezha in other sources is a child god, and think that the writer only abruptly pointed out Nezha's an adult to save her own skin.
Taking all my points in consideration; let me humour the Nezha is a child god idea. What, exactly, does this have to do with Nezha in Monkie Kid? 
If Nezha, the god within Daoism and Buddhism, is supposedly a child deity, what law says that any other potryal of Nezha has to abide by this? 
By this logic. Shiva in the anime I mentioned above shouldn't be weaker than Zeus. He also shouldn't even be agreeing to fight mortals, as he's a deity far above such petty behavior. Zeus shouldn't be portrayed in books like PJO as a lecherous cheater, because in reality, Ancient Greece consisted of multiple kingdoms and thereby different interpretations of Zeus were merged together which is what consists of the myths we know of him today which is highly disrespectful, and Sun Wukong shouldn't be a mentor to MK, because he's supposed to be a Buddhist, and thereby wouldn't be entertaining fighting nuances.
Fiction doesn't not adhere to reality. The fact I need to say this astounds me because should this not be obvious? Lego Monkie Kid is a cartoon set in some sci-fi futuristic world with lego people walking around, where gods somehow need mechs to go around fighting, and there are animal-like demons/yaoguai walking around here and there. There is literally an arcade in the show with zero gravity. Do you possibly believe for a miniscule second that anything that goes down in a fictional setting will adhere to our reality??
And, even then, humouring the Nezha being a child deity concept > what law says that he has to be portrayed as a child in other pieces of fiction?? Especially when the fictional setting is not meant to be a retelling or for educational purposes, but rather to carry a plot. 
There is nothing, no law, no rules that insists that a religious figure must be portrayed as they are in a legend/myth for a fictional world.
Lego Monkie Kid Nezha is not the deity Nezha. He is a completely different character, which many of you should have realized from the exact moment he was brought into the show. They are not the same person. Never was. 
“Oh, it's disrespectful―” From a writer's perspective, I personally don't think so. If I wanted to make a story that involved a god, I wouldn't keep everything that makes that god who they are. There are some key points I would keep to make the story, but I would ultimately create an OC that shares some attributes to this religious figure, but it wouldn't be him. The show Record of Ragnarok does a good job with this in my opinion, because while many characters share some attributes to the real figures they're inspired by, the writers changed several things to create a proper story, and thereby making these characters OCs and not the actual gods themselves, and of course that logic applies to Lego Monkie Kid.
In the instance, again, Nezha the god from Daoism, is in fact a child deity, Nezha in LMK isn't. Nezha in LMK is someone who's entirely different from the god himself. 
So, the logic this fandom uses confuses me a lot. Do you not understand how to seperate fiction from religion?? Do many of you not understand media literacy, and what a writing process is like?
Sigh. Moving to another point―
#2) Character Designs
Sometimes, when it comes to character designs, anyone could just throw them into anything and think, “Yeah that's good.” Not much thought is given to a character's appearances depending, which I don't really blame as someone who's 1) done literature as a hobby and has seen my fair share of character designs, 2) creates characters myself. It's too hard thinking of a character's appearance, and even then when making them there normally wouldn't be any significance.
Nezha's design in LMK seems to be a huge source of debate when arguing about his age. It was actually brought up in my previous post, specifically that his hairstyle was often used by children at the time. 
I have a bone to pick with this point.
This is Nezha from Lego Monkie Kid:
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However, this is Mei from the same show:
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Before anyone starts, allow me to point out as a history geek that likes religion and pointless facts over politics: I am aware that there are different hairstyles to show certain things, including one's age and status and sometimes even personality. Do not bring up any points about the differences in these characters hairstyles with an excuse, “Oh, but you should know―”, because I know how hairstyles could be treated within history. 
However. Look at Nezha's hairstyle, and then Mei's. I've never seen the LMK fandom complain about Mei's age, because it was generally believed that MK and Mei are both at least 18 if not older, as the legal age for a driver's license in China is 18. 
Both Nezha and Mei are wearing a ‘bun’ type hairstyle. Mei's is arguably more of twin ponytails (?), but I'm not a hairstylist, so I don't know what they're called. To me they look similar, that's all I'm trying to say. And even if they weren't though―through a modern lense, a hairstyle isn't reserved for just any specific age. Anyone can wear a hairstyle they want. Keep in mind that the creators of LMK are also Western(?), and they chose a hairstyle for these two characters based on personality and appearances. 
A hairstyle is not reserved for any age. Grown women including my aunts have worn hairstyles similar to these just for fun.
That's point one.
Point two; Nezha is a very popular deity, much like Sun Wukong. In terms of recognition, Sun Wukong is very easy to recognize because of his staff and his overall cocky personality. 
Nezha however is an entirely different case. Most media potrayals of him always has the two-bun hairstyle of him, which is what makes Nezha recognizable. If you remove that specific hairstyle of his, you won't recognize him. It's iconic, and pointed out in this scene (The Legend of Hei) where Nezha makes an appearance as well.
[Characters sitting together. White haired boy (Hei + MC) looks at the older, dark haired boy (Nezha). Nezha looks back.]
Nezha: What? You want an autograph?
Hei: You're a boy?
Nezha: Yeah?
Hei: Your hairstyle is cute.
[Nezha looks in front with an annoyed expression.]
Nezha: If it weren't for the recognizability, I'd have changed it long ago.
Hei: Recognizability?
[Nezha removes the buns(? some form of them?) from his head. Three older figures glance at him.]
???: Who are you?
[Scene returns]
Nezha: See?
Aka, point being made: those buns are what makes Nezha recognizable. If he doesn't have that hairstyle, unless it's specifically pointed out, I'm certain majority would not recognize him. 
Some hairstyles are meant to be done for some form of meaning. But sometimes, as is the case with designs, they're just there just because no one wanted to make the characters bald. Using the excuse about Nezha's hairstyle to justify his age as a child is by far the lamest and dumbest excuse I've ever heard of, because the creators did not give him that hairstyle for the sake of some meaning anymore than MK was given his current hairstyle either. It's his logo at this point, ignoring his color scheme aside.
Even then, if the creators of Lego Monkie Kid intended for Nezha to be a child within the show, he would not appear as he is. Lego Monkie Kid has made children models, which we can see here (used from s3 and up in case someone tries to excuse the differences in seasons): 
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And of course, Nezha's model;
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Despite the perspective and low quality though, he's at least the same height as Red Son here:
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If Lego Monkie Kid truly intended for Nezha to be a child, his appearance and model would be similar to the children's in the show. Perspective is difficult to find but you can clearly see he's about the same height as the other adult characters if not taller, and is not small like the child figures we see.
Pink isn't a children's color, and nothing about Nezha's clothing indicates a child. He very much looks like an adult and doesn't exhibit childish behavior as we see Red Son, Mei and MK do.
I've seen fans use his voice to point out he's an adult, but I'm not sure that's a valid point. I say this as someone who has a 13 year old brother and was recently a minor myself. 
Allow me to clarify: a voice isn't a clear proof of age. My father is a 45 year old man but sounds very much like a woman/teenage girl. My brother is 13 and sounds more of an adult than his father. My classmate in highschool was one year older than me and his voice was very high-pitched. 
The voice actors in LMK are directed to speak a certain way for a reason…in English. I'm not sure about Mandarin. In my opinion, Wukong's voice sounds like Son Goku's because it's a reference to the fact Wukong is what inspired Goku. Nezha's probably sounds deep and brooding not because he's a child but because it almost represents his own personality, and probably is a reference from another shonen protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki. MK's voice in the beginning sounds really childish to me but slowly as the events of s3, 4 and 5 happen it gets more deeper almost as a reference to show how his ‘innocence’ is slowly fading. 
Or, I might be looking to into it. Regardless, tdlr, don't use Nezha's voice in your argument. I've seen grown ass men have high pitched voices. 
Returning to my original point however; if you have an ounce of media literacy and understanding, you should be aware that some character designs are chosen for a reason. Nezha's icon is those two bun hairstyle, and the writers purposely chose it so old fans/readers of JTTW and FSYY and maybe other Chinese/Daoists would be able to recognize him and go, “Hey, that's Nezha from―”
Before I got into LMK, I read JTTW and also saw The Legend of Hei and the Nezha 2019 movie, so I knew him because of the hairstyle. And my first instinct of course was to point out, “That's the dude from TLOH!!” when I saw him. So, the hairstyle was chosen for the recognizability, and I highly doubt as a sign of age.
Even then, LMK Nezha aside, moving on to a different point.
#3) Sources Of Inspiration
The 21st century isn't really the first era where people are taking inspiration from other cultures. As a matter of fact, it's been happening for decades, and it's very prominent in religion, which someone of you would know if you both a) actually did proper research, b) gave a shit about what you're researching and c) studied history.
Hilariously, I have done all three of the above. 
I'm going to use a popular example here with Sun Wukong and Hanuman. Hinduism is supposedly largely considered one of the oldest religions in the world. If you truly think about it, certain Daoist deities are loosely inspired or are versions of Hindu gods, which I'm going to use here with a popular example (and provide a link too).
― Sun Wukong and Hanuman. The earliest Vedic records mention one of the supposed known monkey gods, and their similarities make scholars suggest Hanuman inspired Sun Wukong. Specifically his figure in JTTW, where it's speculated that the author must've had a copy of Vedic (?) hymns. While Sun Wukong does predate JTTW, Hanuman definitely has had some influence on him.
Much, much similarly, the deity known as Nezha, is also loosely inspired/based off the figure known as Nalakuvara, who appears in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, and often appears as a sexual trickster figure in Hindu and Buddhist literature.
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Historically speaking, when it comes to religion and myths, something many people fail to understand is that before there was the idea of writing to tell a story, there was the process known as sharing from mouth to ear. Not in a literal sense, but rather that people often preferred to tell stories via word of mouth back then, and as things always go in history, there will be changes. The proof is literally right there. Nezha was originally known as Nalakuvara, yet when transmitted through Buddhist texts, he became known as Nazha, then Nezha. And as such, the Lotus Prince and Chinese god known as Nezha was created. A combination of Nalakuvara and the child god Krishna.
A lot of people will want to jump on that specific point that mentions Krishna being a child god, so allow me to immediately put you down right there.
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Ex Hindu here; I did not even know there was a portrayal of Krishna as a child. Up until I stopped practicing Hinduism, I used to worship Krishna as an adult figure. In the paintings and statues my aunts had for Diwali as a child, he was always showcased as an adult.
Ironically, doesn't this apply for the actual god Nezha too? 
When it comes to religion and myths, many of you forget something very important; there is no such thing as a canon iteration. These aren't shows, these are stories from the past told through different people, and passed through many hands. There is no such thing as a canon version because almost everyone had their own version of a myth or story. Terms you may typically apply to fandoms don't apply to fucking religions and myths, and some of you are so chronically online that you forget it.
#4) The LMK Fandom's Chronically Online Attitude
I'm an ex Hindu who still faintly remembers some bits and pieces from my childhood while practicing this religion, especially during the Diwali period, where little me managed to get new information from library books about the gods my family worshipped. I personally didn't like sitting during the priest's (forgot what he was called) chanting though but the funny white thingy we used to have to wear was fun. 
There are some Hindu gods I'm familiar with, like Lakshmi, Kali, Durga and the other versions of her (I still can't recover from the one statue with her in a fish..) Parvati, Shiva, Vishnu, Hanuman (yaah), Rama and Sita, Ganesh (also yah) and of course, Krishna.  I also have watched my fair share of childhood movies and cartoons where the gods were mentioned or present―Karan & Arjun specifically struck the fear in me with Kali 😭😭 holy fuck that movie scared me with the creepy edits jeez T-T. There was also that one cartoon about Rama and Sita”s story specifically Hanuman, and this Indian TV series where this little girl was a loyal devotee to Ganesha (I had no idea rats were one of his uh signature animals holy shit).
I'm rambling here a bit because the childhood memories were fun, but the point I'm going for is though….
I am familiar with these gods I grew up with. And I know about them, maybe not enough but certainly enough to know how to properly respect them from back then. 
And, using Krishna as a prime example; if someone came up to me, or I came across anyone, who argues that the god I know is an immortal child, even though I have worshipped and adult version of him, I'd be so fucking pissed. Krishna is seen as an adult, I worshipped him as an adult, but there are cases where he's a child god, and that's fine! But to have someone tell you that you're wrong about the god you know about because they got some basic information off the internet, undoubtedly, I'm going to be pissed. Especially when it's from a Western fan who has no fucking brain.
So, of course, imagine how devotees of Nezha and Chinese people must be feeling every single time this fandom fucks about with Nezha's age. I saw it myself; people told my friend that a) she was lying and b) her statement is irrelevant just because “I did my proper research, and even if you're Chinese you can still be a proshipper, Nezha's a child deity.”
It's genuinely so fucked up to me how the LMK fandom act towards Nezha's age. You guys will ignore the people who are willing to provide accurate information for the sake of being in the right and accusing people for being a proshipper over a deity they have more experience with than you, a Western fan who has no knowledge of Eastern religion.
It's insane. There are actual Daoist and Chinese who are pointing out the fact Nezha isn't an immortal fucking child. 
You're not only disrespectful, you insane, childish and most importantly chronically online. Nezha the god isn't a fictional character, there's nothing ‘canon’ about him. He's a god who's lived for decades longer than you, and his existence predates yours. People have long sinced worshipped Nezha, and the fact that you can so boldly tell someone they're wrong about the god they've worshipped is so disrespectful.
Do you not realize, as Nezha is worshipped as a child, he's worshipped as an adult? Do you not take into account how absolutely disgusting and horrible you are telling Daoists and Chinese who have stated time and time again the information of Nezha being an immortal child is factually incorrect that they're wrong and know nothing??
I'm repeating my statement; I'm an ex Hindu, but if anyone told me that Krishna's an immortal child too and then point out I'm wrong and my point doesn't matter, I would be seething. And I don't blame my friend who's losing their temper about Nezha's age. 
What amazes me though, somehow, is the fact that. If anyone who was Chinese + Daoist agreed with your claims, as Cole from Twitter once did, none of you would've spoken that way to my friend. But of course, once she points out she's Chinese/ex Daoist and disagrees with you, majority of the opinions switched because, she wasn't agreeing with your headcanon, right? So even though she's Chinese, she's bad because she disagreed with you.
You're all disgusting and fucking weird.
And the fact y'all in this fandom will habitually prove yourselves as hypocrites by attacking people, and then ignoring the ones who are capable of proving you're wrong to cling to a false idea is insane. You guys need some actual help, holy fucking shit. 
Nezha isn't an immortal child. That's a god. If he was intended to be a child in LMK, there would've been statements about it. 
Seperate fiction from religion, and seperate your headcanon from canon and the actual god. If you think this biased headcanon is okay and attacking people that point you out for being wrong is somehow okay, I sincerely ask that you take a break from the internet, and read a book.
No, don't just read a book. Read a history book. Pick up some knowledge, understand how religion and history works. 
Furthermore. The research some of you guys are doing is actually shit, by the way. You guys aren't researching properly if you can pull up with Nezha is 12, thing. If you actually cared about his age, you'd put more effort and actually stop being disrespectful to the people who are giving you the proper information. You only research surface level so you can attack people.
And additionally, stop playing the Devil's advocate. Most of you are just Western fans who think you know everything from reading one book or watching one show. You read JTTW or watch OSP’s videos and suddenly, you know more than an actual Chinese person or Daoist. You look up Wikipedia and think, “Oh yeah, I'll go with this!” And that's it. Most of you at best can provide only three websites at most, and I can bet my ass that these websites with information about Nezha's age was written by a fan who got their information from a shit source.
I love History, and most specifically, I love religion. Not so much the divine aspects as it is about the myths that surround it. Whenever I get into a fandom, I need to find out more about their religion and history. Getting into JTTW, and eventually, LMK, pushed me into a rabbit hole of Chinese myths that I really enjoy learning. But dealing with idiots who think they know more?? It's sickening as shit.
I'd like to think I'm good at literature things because once it's a religion or myth I want to learn everything about it. But I know I don't know everything, and I know especially I have more to learn. I'd never tell someone who is a part or worships the religion/culture I'm learning that they're factually incorrect about it just because I have an opinion and I learnt my info from a random source.
You guys in the LMK fandom are incredibly entitled. The Nezha is 12 controversy is a headcanon, which became worst by that asshat Cole on Twitter. And because so many of you don't want to learn the truth, whenever someone tries to point out and help you, you ignore them or attack them, and deny their heritage.
And honestly?? You guys suck. 
And this is coming from me!! Some of y'all are grown ass adults too!! And yet I'm childish and immature!?!
Brother I literally turned 18 a few months ago, yet I'm 100% certain I'm not throwing a blasted hissy fit over a fucking god the way some of you all who are most definitely adults are doing.
And finally, the one thing that actually does make me laugh is because I'm pretty sure most of you didn't do History classes. One of the most important things my history teacher taught me is; don't use Wikipedia as a source of viable information. Thousands of people are capable of accessing Wikipedia and changing information as they want, and so it's much better to find book solid resources from libraries. I did in fact use Wikipedia too (hypocritical of me yeah) so of course I wouldn't advise using the screenshots I provided from Wikipedia as evidence to the argument, because anything on Wikipedia can be changed. If I'm feeling extra petty I could change something myself to be in the right.
Furthermore, if you dare to bring up only JTTW and FSSY as a plausible argument about Nezha's age, I'm genuinely going to throw hands and fuck your mother. I think my friend also mentioned it in their posts but I'll mention it here too; JTTW does NOT state Nezha's age. I've read JTTW, and aside from Wukong vs Nezha there's nothing else that states Nezha's age. For all we're aware of, Wukong called Nezha a kid just out of spite, and I do it too when I'm arguing with someone. FSSY is the Investiture of the Gods and the ORIGINS!! Do you THINK a book about the ORIGINS of the gods would focus on other aspects about them!!? No!!
I expect some of the arguments I might get are;
"Oh, Nezha [appearances] could be wearing a glamor!" That is a headcanon, as we see nothing in LMK to refute that. Macaque's scar is canon because it's shown within the show. Nezha's appearance has NOT fluctuated since he was introduced. The idea of him using a glamor or illusion is a HEADCANON unless proven by the show. And headcanons are NOT vital.
"But you use Wikipedia too :(" Which I pointed out and made aware of, which is I also doubt that source myself. If any of you did History, your teachers are supposed to INFORM you that using a website is NOT a good idea for backing up information, and it's much better to use books or other trusted sources. In the case of Nezha, I'm trusting actual Daoists/Chinese who knows more about him than I do. It's because I did PROPER research that I even came across a good source of information, aka @ruibaozha, who I'm sure can share more light on this than me! The fact that some of you guys won't even acknowledge them is almost proof that...you're clinging to a headcanon. Jackass.
"But Nezha in JTTW/FSSY are 7/12 and that's where LMK takes it's inspiration from so obviously―" We've seen for a fact LMK does NOT follow JTTW to the letter. Jade Emperor beating Wukong?? Lady Bone Demon being a powerful foe and being trapped in a bunker? Azure even being able to kill the Emperor? Majority of the LMK fandom likes to point out that LMK Macaque and JTTW Macaque are two different people, especially when you claim that Macaque is a bad character because he cannibalized the monkeys. So then, with this logic, JTTW Nezha, FSSY Nezha, and LMK Nezha are also three seperate figures. I swear someone made a post about the differences JTTW and FSSY Nezha have too, but I can't find it so meh. The point still remains though. LMK Nezha are two different people, you're not making any sense to me about that argument. Even then, LMK isn't taking direct inspiration and putting their own twist. Who says anything needs to be accurate??
"The writer only said Nezha's an adult to ship lotuspeach!" Are you faintly aware people, actual Chinese people, have shipped these characters together? Proshippers can come from anywhere but I genuinely doubt every single person is a proshipper because of course, they're aware their god isn't an eternal child. On top of that, in a situation like this another writer would point out that Nezha ISN'T an adult. No one has argued against this claim, so why persist? Where's your logic coming from if not entitlement?
I want this to be the last time I have to talk about Nezha, because I made my blog to write porn and me smooching my favorite LMK characters. I kinda don't really like making discussions like this because that's not the point of my blog.
However...I do like rambling. A lot :)))
Anyways, point blank. LMK fandom needs to grow out of this entitled mindset and stop ignoring the facts from experts. You guys are just being annoying at this point.
My argument isn't really valid tbh, just pointless rambling because I only know basic information. I think you guys should find proper information from accounts online.
Also, if you're gonna argue: don't bring be albeist, racist etc etc. I'm capable of cussing you out without bringing up your mental health, race or identity :)))
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witheringdream · 2 years ago
re: your tags on beatrice’s parents & her relationship w em, agreed, absolutely we need more nuanced portrayals of both, at least if only for the bittersweet comedic shenanigans potential
beatrice’s parents being like 🤗 and proud of beatrice when they learn she’s become a nun, and then ??? on how to respond when they find out that she’s a nun, yes, but she’s specifically a secret ass kicking nun in a coven for secret ass kicking nuns
Or maybe like beatrice awkwardly lieing to her parents and/or leaving aspects of her job out. her parents like oh how’s the nun life going oh dearest daughter of ours (defo not in those words lmao) and then being !!! in concern when they notice beatrice looking almost like she got mauled by some demon (which, yeah that’s exactly what happened) and then beatrice like uh yes, that is the result of uh, me and sister camila tried to cook again (in this case, for once that is also true, somehow beatrice & camila managed to fuck cooking up so badly they unwittingly got a whole demon involved somehow)
beatrice bringing up meeting ava to her parents and her parents making the usual judgemental remarks and then beatrice like uh i guess i’m taking that as you don’t want to meet ava then
and then beatrice’s parents being like, absolutely the fuck not, we want to meet her, how else will we ensure she’s good enough for you 😤
i think her parents might actually be one of those diplomats that know dark secrets so they know what type of nun she is! they might be hard on her in a different way if they knew
it might be less we want you to be the best and more why did you hurt yourself? we disapprove of injury does that mean you’re not the best warrior sister? are you in line to be the warrior nun? does the warrior nun die early? you should aim for mother superion
and then they might start getting involved in how she’s doing in her training, it might even be why she’s the best warrior sister cause her parents want her to be top of her class she has so much to lose
and then when she introduces ava ofc there are cutting remarks and some small passive aggressive fighting. but they do gauge ava up and down she might somehow throw them off so bad she wins them over. and by win them over they’re not Warm towards her but they no longer try to ruin her life with bea by planting terrible manipulative lies in bea’s head every time she visits poc mother in law style.
i think beatrice might actually have a bad relationship with her parents but they’re definitely not distant the way lilith’s mom is. they’re super involves and they’re for sure helicopter parents which is WHY her relationship with them is so terrible.
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janiedean · 4 years ago
why am i like this 🙃 anyway a few days back i went and read up... anti-jaime meta & j/c endgame meta coz i'm an idiot rlly, and like once every month i get these doubts as to whether i'm being stupid? am i blind? so i like to check the opposition and my beliefs. i feel bad for a little while but it never works and i'm always like WHAT foolishness and i've done this like 3 times now and i'm honestly hoping i've learnt my lesson. because WTF
i saw what the other anon was talking about and went and reread that ridiculous meta; and i realised that the j*nsa shipper who thinks j*nsa is the endgame, is also a tw*ncest shipper who thinks... wait for it... JAIME & CERSEI are the hidden Beauty and the Beast?!?!?!
and they said how jaime/brienne would be unsatisfying becz a redemption arc for jaime is unsatisfying, COMPLETELY ignoring the reasons j/c is toxic and the person who's suffered most for it is jaime (manipulated into giving up his birthright & lordship, then traumatized, and they even blamed him for the white cloak in the first place? that he chose it for glory? NO, he chose it after a sleepless night w/ crrsei) AND that his true "redemption" should not be leaving the woman he's been willing to kill & maim for (yeah, just ignore the way he's been loathing himself, and realising how low he'd fallen, and all for nothing) for the first girl who walks up in 5 min. i hate how every jc shipper minimises brienne's importance in jaime's arc. (i mean, HAVE THEY EVEN READ ASOS? Did they see the part where HE JUMPS INTO A BEAR PIT, UNARMED & ONE HANDED, to save the "first girl who comes along in 5min?? WTF and this is even more ridiculous coz jaime has actually been loyal to cersei this whole time, brienne is not the first. he HAS been faithful to her to the detriment of his own chances at life and a family AND THEY PULL THIS BS? HOW?
and ofc, they somehow think jaime is the beauty with two beasts, and that grrm is not going to end with a jb endgame but that jaime's ultimately going to realise he & c are two "beautiful beasts" and die with c. (?????)
(btw pls feel free to ignore my rant i'm so sorry i have no idea why i just dumped all that in your inbox i just had to get it out becz i'm still stewing??? also THANK YOU for the kg jaime did nothing wrong, that cleansed my eyes becz i have recently read scalding hot takes such as "the show was right, he does not give a fig abt the innocents, he only cares for his family, he only killed aerys for his father and he is defo going to die with c" ignoring that uh - like hell tywin was in any danger from aerys, and he did not do it for his father to prove himself,i don't think there's anything jaime could do that would ever make tywin kill him... another was his redemption/arc is shallow becz "he never admits he's doing anything wrong, he only does good to feel selfish and proud, he's deluding himself with goldenhand the just and HA! HE'S NEVER GOING TO ADMIT THAT HE DID NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL AERYS. HE WAS WRONG TO KILL AERYS. HE WAS A DUMMY 17 YO, he's soo stupid, he cares only for himself and his reputation and just ughhhh how do ppl misread him so badly??
dw anon I mean... I only read that meta when it's incorrectly tagged and there's a reason why I went and blacklisted the shit out of any jc tag ever as in that I was done reading stuff that made me want to punch a wall and you honestly said everything I would have so I don't have much to add but like to address a few of your points
(disclaimer: I'm discussing jc shippers who... have those takes/harass ppl if they think different not anyone who like ships jc in peace bc they like it for what it is just to... make sure it's clear)
a lot of the meta you mention is based on selective reading of some jaime chapters, of all of c's chapters in affc and ignoring brienne's existence the end
also a lot of the people writing it have zero idea of how brienne works as a character/what's her point in the narrative and haven't read her chapters nor have even tried to grow some empathy for her nor having learned from there what grrm wants ppl to learn from reading brienne chapters which i'm 100% not surprised about
like once someone asked me if I really went to therapy bc I was nonstandard attractive that's all I had to see to never be surprised again
also 'the first girl he ran into after five minutes' is someone who literally kept him alive and that he dreams of at night and in those dreams she puts herself in between him and his worst traumas and keeps on saying she'll keep him safe like............ sorry but lmao
(also I'm eating my hat if like cersei had done for jaime what brienne did when they were prisoners together but that's another problem entirely)
'he and c. are beautiful beasts' is like... y'all didn't even get the meaning of the og story did you
also lmao anyone who reads the books and the aerys story and gets the conclusion that he was selfish can't read and I'm dying on that hill bc again you're speaking of 17 yo with vietnamwar level ptsd who just wanted to protect the innocent and ended up being treated like scum because he killed a dude that should have been deposed years before like.... we fucking srs like if you read jaime chapters without coming to the conclusion that 'this is a genuinely nice guy whose life choices/relatives/circumstances/being an abuse victim with at least three different ppl abusing him was shoehorned into cynicism/doing horrid shit/terrible coping mechanism but it still couldn't manage to actually turn him into a truly bad person' then I have nothing to tell you because that's what's written and no amount of twisting/selective reading will change it, the end /shrug
anyway I'm at the point where any show truthing that doesn't recognize that the small council being made of minorities/commoners/discriminated ppl until then is literally the only thing grrm could and would have written for me goes into the trash automatically bc the show made no sense not even within its own continuity so miss me with trying to tell me the books actually end like that X°D
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negasonicimagines · 6 years ago
My One and Lonely
whew! this was intense! I’m really sorry if this doesn’t correctly fulfill these requests, folks! i tried! 
1: “okay what about poly yukisonic x reader where the yukio, ellie, and the reader have started a new relationship, but the reader is unsure of it?? and Ellie and yukio just reassure thems?? basically I just want poly yukisonic x reader angst with a happy ending. : ')” 2: “Could you do a negasonic imagine where reader is her girlfriend and has telekinesis? And Wade takes any opportunity to tease the couple so reader constantly uses her powers to slam the door in Wades face?” [yeah i defo didn’t really fill this one but the reader has telekinesis and DOES slam the door in Wade’s face and I have so many requests bro... but I’d be willing to redo this if you’re not satisfied] TRIGGER WARNING for mentions and discussion of past abuse. the reader also almost has a panic attack. let me know if i missed anything
“You know, you could just talk to them about it,” Wade tells you, and your fork and book fall to the ground.
“Uh, no? I literally can’t, dude. Now my fork’s dirty.”
“Uh, yeah. You literally can, dude. And that’ll teach you to be lazy, using your powers for easy stuff like turning pages and eating. I bet the fork’s not that bad.”
“Like you wouldn’t do the same thing,” you scoff, and he shrugs, nodding.
“Come on. It’s totally normal for you to be feeling the way you are. They were friends and dating before you came into the picture. Insecurity’s normal. Especially considering-”
“Call me insecure one more time and I’ll use the dirty fork to show you just how insecure your eye’s placement in your skull is,” you threaten, feeling your face heat up. You didn’t like that your weakness was so obvious. Or that he reminded you of her.
“Christ, maybe I really am a bad influence...Nah, we’re just birds of a feather,” Wade says with a cheeky grin you don’t know how you can see through the mask. Maybe his tone of voice makes the subtle expression more perceivable. “Sorry,” he quickly adds. “But, seriously. They’re the last people who are gonna judge you.”
“Who’s the last people that are gonna judge Y/N?” You hear from behind you. Ellie. Shit. She made you far more nervous than Yukio did. Yukio was the gentle, sensitive moon, and Ellie… Ellie was the sun. Nuturing, yes, but scorching, too.
“No one. Not important. Right, Wade?” you plaster on a smile, fiddling with the fork in your hand before letting it float in the air. “Want the rest of my ramen? I’m not very hungry.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
“Catch,” you say, flinging the fork at him telepathically. He gasps sharply, but his reflexes are quick enough to grab it.
You get up, and notice Ellie looks a bit… gloomier than usual.
“Everything okay?” you ask, and she nods, her lips twitching into a small smile for you before quickly concealing the expression.
“Yeah, I’m alright. ‘Kio and I missed you at lunch, that’s all.”
“Well, I was, uh… Hanging out with Wade. Like you saw,” you explain.
“You didn’t seem very happy. He didn’t say anything to bother you, did he?”
“Oh, uh, no. I was just a bit stressed. Exams coming up and all that.”
“Exams are a couple months away,” Ellie reminds you. “But you were stressed, weren’t you? Look, if you’re having regrets, whatever, fine. I wouldn’t be happy about it and neither would Yukio, but you have a right to your feelings. Just don’t fucking lie to me, okay?”
“I- I promise it’s not about that. Really, I’m… Happy to be with you guys.”
“Then what is it? Seriously?”
You stiffen, you can tell she’s getting angry. Your heart feels like a stone in your chest, cracked and heavy.
“It’s nothing,” you say, not meeting her eyes.
“Alright. Keep your secrets, then,” Ellie sighs, walking away. You head to your room, locking the door behind you. Most students with telepathic abilities get their own rooms in an effort to avoid accidental harm of their fellow students. This was the case for you, and you used to like it.
But then, you met Ellie and Yukio. The two of them were already dating when you were officially introduced, and you became fast friends with them. It quickly evolved into more, and the three of you became what many refer to as a “throuple.”
The facet of the insecurity Wade so rudely talked of earlier was, of course, the fact that they were roommates, and you were alone every night. They got to cuddle and kiss and you got to watch ASMR.
It was depressingly lonely. Sure, every once in awhile you could get away with sleeping over on weekends. But, most of the time, the teachers monitored the rooms, making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be, in case of emergency.
But, wait, there’s more!
As mentioned previously, Ellie is the sun. Yukio is the moon. What are you in that?
And it didn’t help that you were still struggling to cope with the aftermath of her, a little over a year later.
Before you began your schooling at Xavier’s, you were friends with a small group of fellow mutants that were slowly drawn together by fate. One of these mutants was a girl. You can’t even bear to think her name.
Back then, you were only telepathically gifted. You hadn’t even dreamed you would be capable of telekinesis one day.
But she, she had super-strength, and she liked to use it on you. Even when you didn’t want her to.
You were defenseless.
You shake, pulling your knees to your chest.
“Hey, why’s the door locked? I thought we were all gonna work together on our art projects.” Yukio’s bright voice is muffled by the door.
“Uh, um, yeah, yeah, I’ll be there in a, um, sec,” you say, your breathing growing heavier and more fast-paced. “Actually, uh, you- you and Ellie sh...sh-should just go and, uh, go work on your projects t-together. I’ll- Yeah, I’ll, uh, figure mine out eventually.” Shit, I’m doing a terrible job at covering this up.
“You okay in there, bunny?” It was a cute nickname that Yukio liked to call both you and Ellie.
“Mmhmm, yeah. Just a bit, uh, very tired. Gonna take a nap soon.”
“Okay…” she says, and you know she doubts you. Failure.
“On second thought, uh, I’ll just go to bed early tonight. Let’s get to work,” you decide, unlocking and opening the door.
Upon opening the door, you notice Wade behind them.
“Didn’t realize you took Art, Wade.”
“You also didn’t realize that we planned for you to come to our room. You were supposed to show up twenty minutes ago, actually. So, we went to talk to Wade. Since you tell him everything these days,” Ellie says, pure bitterness in the mention of Wade. It wasn’t that she hated him. She hated that you told him and not her. Not even Yukio, who she’d admit was far more approachable than her.
“Sorry, kid,” he says. “They had a right to know.”
“You- You didn’t tell them about- About…” You feel your eyes widen, alarm racing through you slowly and quickly at the same time.
“No, not that. Not her. Just the other stuff.”
“Her?” Ellie asks. “Cheating on us, seriously?”
“No,” you say, and it comes out as a whimper due to her angry tone. “I- I- This was a bad idea, Wade. You guys should just go, all three of you, I don’t feel well, I’m tired, I-”
“I’m gonna leave you kids to sort this out,” Wade tells you three. “Good luck.” He slowly backs away.
“Can you close the door?” Yukio asks, and you jolt, door slamming in Wade’s face.
“Yeah,” you say afterwards. This was becoming less stressful thinking and more panic attack by the moment.
“You’ve been avoiding us lately,” Yukio points out. “Wade already told us why, but… I want to hear it from you, ‘kay?”
“It’s nothing, I-” You take a careful, ragged breath, sitting on your bed. Yukio sits on the stool at your desk, and Ellie leans her back against the door. “I just don’t fit. I’ve never fit in anywhere, and I never will. All I’ve done trying is bother others. Especially Ellie and you.”
“You don’t fit?” Ellie asks. “What the fuck do you mean?”
“I- You’re the sun...Yukio’s the moon… And I’m just… I’m Pluto.” The last bit comes out as a shaky whisper. A large, hot tear rolls down your cheek swiftly.
“What?! No! No, bunny, you’re- You’re…” Yukio kneels in front of you, swiping your tear away with her thumb and keeping your sad face in her hand. “I can’t think of anything, but you’re not Pluto, baby.”
“The eclipse. You’re the eclipse, Y/N. Everything aligning perfectly so that we can be together,” Ellie says thoughtfully. “Is that all? You feel like you don’t have a place here, with us? You do. You’re what makes this whole thing work, okay? Now please, please tell me you didn’t cheat on us for validation.”
“The her comment, right…” you say, the temporary relief you felt by Ellie’s original statement subsiding. “No. I didn’t cheat, I swear. I’d never do that to you guys, to anyone. I… The last relationship I had before you guys was, um… Not the greatest. It was around a year ago, a little more. Before Xavier’s. Before I honed my abilities. There was a girl, a mutant like me. Like us. But she, uh… She had super-strength. And I wasn’t very physically strong, I was pretty weak, actually. So… You can probably see where I’m going with this, or I hope you do, because I don’t like talking about it, not at-” You finally dissolve into tears. “Not at all…”
Ellie rushes towards you to embrace you, and you flinch reflexively.
“I’m sorry. I was really thoughtless. Just now and for most of our interactions today,” Ellie admits. “I’m just… Things between me and ‘Kio weren’t the greatest, but we were trying because we knew we were meant to be together. And then you came along, and everything made sense. Everything finally fit together, perfectly. And- And I don’t wanna lose that. Ever.”
“Same here,” Yukio agrees. “You’re so great, Y/N. Wade said that you feel really lonely all by yourself in here. Maybe we should try to get you transferred to our room. Sometimes they let people room in groups of three, and they probably could use the extra room.”
“Yeah, but… It’d be kind of annoying to have me tagging along all the time,” you remind her.
Ellie’s eye twitches. “Tagging...Along?”
“That’s the phrase, isn’t it?” you ask.
She takes a deep, calming breath, and you watch her fingers move as she counts to ten on them silently. They’re both sitting with you on the bed, now.
“Ah-” Ellie clenches her teeth, hissing for a moment, as if she’s in pain. “Y/N, you’re just as much a part of this relationship as Yukio and I. What part of that is so hard for you to understand?”
“I- I don’t know. It’s just hard to believe. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“What shoes? There are no shoes here,” Yukio tells you. “I really only wear them because it’s frowned upon not to, and because if I didn’t then I’d pick up all sorts of nasty germs.”
Ellie nods in agreement. “Same.”
You sigh, knowing there’s no way to convince them of how worthless you are to the relationship. Maybe because to them, you aren’t?
“Hey, did you see that? I saw that. I think it’s clicking, ‘Kio.”
“I did see it,” Yukio agrees, and you smile a little at their antics, shaking your head. “Let me go to the office and get the room transfer forms. I’d love to stay, but I think you two cuties need to talk a bit… In private.”
Yukio exits.
“I’m...Sorry. For talking to Wade and not you guys. I shouldn’t have-”
“You’re allowed to confide in your friend. I shouldn’t have taken it as personally as I did. I just know there was a time, before we all got together romantically, where you would’ve talked to me or Yukio about something if it stressed you out that much. But I guess not… We didn’t know about her.”
“It’s just hard to even think about. I feel so ashamed all the time, I’m really sorry that I didn’t-”
“Seriously. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, and I feel seriously shitty that I was such an asshole about it. You have a right to privacy, as long as you’re not putting anyone or anything in danger. But, the anyone and anything includes you. Okay?”
“Okay,” you respond, and Ellie kisses your forehead, her dark brown eyes looking to yours before she places the softest kiss on your lips, carefully holding your face as if you were priceless and she didn’t want to risk breaking you. You lean into her, forehead on her shoulder.
“Let’s lay down. I owe you some cuddling. I hear I’m an excellent big spoon,” she tells you.
“From a biased source. Let’s try the sweetheart’s cradle,” you offer.
“What the fuck is the sweetheart’s cradle?”
“Honestly, I did far too much research into the perfect cuddle position, for the time it might actually happen.”
“We don’t really cuddle, do we? Yukio hasn’t really given you any cuddles either, has she? Wow, you’re really missing out- ...Oh. I’m so sorry,” Ellie apologizes, looking more heartbroken than determined with this one. She hadn’t realized the extent to which you were being neglected by them. “I’m sorry, doll. Really sorry.”
“Doll? That’s new,” you comment.
“I figured you deserved a petname of your own,” Ellie informs you. “Now, explain this ‘sweetheart’s cradle’ to me.”
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dictionarywrites · 6 years ago
hey for real tho? where do u get all your cool clothes? i need fashion shopping tips plz. i've been wearing sweatpants and tshirts for too long i need advice thank u
Okay, so mostly, I shop secondhand, and I shop vintage. The sweater I’m wearing today is like, circa the early 90s, late 80s, and I tend to have a lot of stuff from like, the 70s-90s, as well as general pre-owned things. Other than that, I actually tend to go through clearance piles a lot - firstly, because it’s cheap, but secondly, because like, you do get a lot more statement pieces and things that other people are unlikely to wear, you know?
My favourite thing about dressing vintage is that you very rarely have something exactly like what the others have on in the room, and often, it’s not even something similar.
I’m definitely one of those snobs that doesn’t wear tracksuit bottoms/sweatpants like... At all. I bought my first pair in around ten years just yesterday because like, I’m starting off at the gym again, but. if you want something that’s equally comfortable, has similar loose pocket space, but adds a little more definition to the form, I totally recommend picking up like, some colourful harem pants and stuff like that.
You’ll usually have a tight waistband and tight bands on the ankles, too, and like, they do tend to look a lot smarter than the tracksuit bottoms if you get the ones with a tighter weave rather than the fabric that’s made to stretch but is subsequently just wrinkled while you’re wearing it, you know? 
Never underestimate the power of a collared shirt to snazz up an otherwise lacking ensemble - you can usually get hold of like, a decent Hawai’ian shirt or something like that and wear it in the same way you would a t-shirt, even if you prefer to have it loose instead of tucked in, you know? 
I tend to layer up because I’ve got no body fat to speak of, and ugly sweaters are my go-to, ordinarily over a collared shirt, over a t-shirt. 
I’m actually not of the belief that a t-shirt inherently looks bad or sloppy - if you experiment with stuff like the set of your trousers on your hips/waist, different kinds of tucks on shirts (I normally tuck everything in because I have an hourglass figure, but a French tuck a la Tan France is a great way to look smart and also keep an a-line figure which is ordinarily read as more masc), and stuff like that. Even a loose t-shirt can look very chic if it’s paired with like, matched shoes or something like that, you know?
It’s always about finding your own style, but totally think about stuff like
the colour schemes you like
especially think of the stuff in your wardrobe that pairs very well with each other, like a certain pair of shoes and a certain sweater; certain accent pieces like scarves and hats with particular skirts, etc
the kinds of patterns you like, especially re: their subtlety/boldness
graphic stuff
graphic design isn’t just only to be found in t-shirts. bags, scarves, pants and skirts, even shoes (I’ll put up a pic of my shoes later) can have an element of bright graphic imagery, and that can be just great for making an outfit pop
you look good in clothes you’re comfortable in. defo don’t pick stuff up just because you think it will have to look good - if you’re uncomfortable in something, and you can’t settle into it, it won’t really look Right on you
even corsets etc should be comfortable and safe to wear as you go about your day-to-day
And the best thing about dressing in garbage and wild shite is that it’s cheap. The thing is, right, people write clothes off as ugly all the time, but like, even the ugliest thing will actually look really chic if you wear it with a much more subtle ensemble, and fashion is about having fun and playing with stuff, you know?
I normally go through charity shops and thriftstores, things like that, but I do shop online as well, and these are some of my recommendations:
everything5pounds | this is a clearance store that collects stuff from all kinds of shops, and then sells it on. i’ve genuinely had like, George jumpers still with the £30 tag on, and that i’ve picked up for a fiver.
it’s not a perfect site, because it is clearance, and some of the stuff you get will be trash - pay attention to stuff like the fabrics things are made with for cues toward quality, as well as reviews on products
E5P ships internationally, and they decide their shipping BY WEIGHT. this means that shipping is, uh, really fucking cheap compared to some stores, and also that if you do order in bulk (e.g. for summer or for winter; i actually bought my sister a box of stuff for Christmas, so she could have a variety to choose from) it really pays off
beyondretro | this is a vintage clothing store that’s gotten more expensive in recent years, but is still worth a good shout in my opinion, especially if you’re willing to dig through their virtual clearance bin
going vintage is a very good choice for heavy-wearing sweaters and the like - older stuff from the 70s to the early 90s is ordinarily made with a much higher quality than the standard stuff we find these days, and it’ll probably last you for a good deal longer whilst also being made of heavier wool
beyondretro’s shipping policies for Europe struck me as reasonable the last time I ordered from them, but your experiences in the US may vary
oxfam | practically, uk-only. i don’t even shop here anymore. oxfam put like, a lot of the stuff that goes into their charity shops online, and for UK-based people this can just be fabulous, honestly. I had like, whole winter coats very cheaply from Oxfam, and postage was reasonable in the UK because they’d get you to pay like, a base payment
but not in Ireland lol and presumably not anywhere else 
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jonghyuns-husband · 3 years ago
i forget what i need to write so that’s why i reblog instead of making my own post-
also tagged by @aurorasillusion hahah
last song: aurora by jonghyun (i mean come on- this should be expected 😭)
last movie: i really don’t know what movie i watched- probably a barbie movie or something
last show: the proud family reboot
currently watching: hunter x hunter hahahaahah
currently working on: Many stories lol. most particularly i am very proud about working on Sweestie: Sweet Little Byul-roo since it may be one of my longest collaborative stories I’ve ever made so please read the pilot episodes and give it lots of support! it will be available on Tumblr and Wattpad as soon as we finishing working on the cover!
favourite colour: blue! 💙💙💙
sweet/spicy/savoury: spicy heheh i mean sometimes i like sweet, but spicy ramen noodles are the best!
coffee/tea/cocoa: defo coffee. yes i know i’m 18, but i feel like i’m in my 30s saying that lol
craving: jonghy- i-i mean… i really want to drink boba for some reason. i really love jonghyun’s balls- i-i mean tapioca balls- u-uh boba balls…?
tagging: @myblingblinggoesclingcling (sorry about the ping) @theokangkk @nihaojj @ja3sung @rensneko @isamudoeskpop @sanshine333 @multi-kpop-fanfics @what-if-nct
Get to know me Tag Game
Tagged by my lovely moot - @trashlord-007 thanks for the tag hope you're doing well lovely <3
Last song - Make a wish NCT U
Last movie - Seoul Vibe
Last Show - KinnPorsche The Series
Currently Watching - Mouse & Military Prosecutor Doberman simultaneously
Currently working on - A bestfriends to lovers/ feelings realisation fic. (it doesn't have a name yet feel free to drop suggestions)
Favourite Colour - I don't have one
Sweet/spicy/savoury - Sweet
Coffee/tea/cocoa - Tea all the way. love a good cuppa.
Craving - Anything with bursting flavour (if that makes sense maybe strong flavour will be a better way to put it ahah)
Tagging the usuals and a new moot - @mullettaegi @jonghyuns-husband @canadianwatermelon @sanghyukstattoos @hwipetals @hwa-luvs @sang@pentagon-supremacy @astrosaroha and anyone else that wants to do this tag game.
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angst-in-space · 8 years ago
Personally, I support that season 3 Shiro is a clone, but can you give me personality traits that clone Shiro is exhibiting that proves he is not the real Shiro?
*vaults over a desk* WELL….
listen my dude my buddy…..that shiro is fake as shit and i’m betting all my money on it. i have a whole “clone!shiro” tag with a lot of theories and stuff in it, so feel free to check that out. but here’s just a compilation of a bunch of evidence:
- tbh i’ve always kinda lowkey suspected Something about shiro being and/or having a clone….there’s that whole “you could have been our greatest weapon” speech that haggar gives at the end of s1, plus that whole hallucination of shiro being strangled by his like Dark OC Self so uhhh foreshadow anyone??
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- it’s also like super suspicious that we still barely know anything about the experimentation that was done on shiro during his time in captivity. like…we saw him in the gladiator ring and we saw him escape but like literally nothing in between. so, in that time it doesn’t seem out of the question that they could’ve collected his DNA to make a clone (or…several…who fucking knows). - probably the most damning evidence is…everything in s3e5, but especially at the beginning, we hear a few bizarre references to shiro being “ready” for something called “project kuron” and uhhhh
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i’m just gonna….leave that there…- idk how much time has passed but his hair growing that long in a relatively short amount of time??? unrealistic. (listen i can suspend my disbelief about sentient robot cats & aliens but NOT THIS.) - also at the beginning of that same episode he literally sees…himself?? lookin pretty….dead…or in a coma. could potentially be the Real Shiro.
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- i know we’ve all been joking about shiro’s new weird hair/outfit but honestly like?? i’m p sure this was an intentional choice so that in the future we can differentiate between the two shiros. shiro could have easily just gone back to his regular haircut/outfit but the fact that he has a whole new Look™ suggests to me that we need to be able to physically tell the difference between New Shiro and Actual Shiro.- oh yeah he also casually mentions having a “weird headache” which absolutely screams “i have a mind-controlling brain chip” or some shit so uh!!! 
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- plus black rejects shiro which sets off all kinds of alarms. yeah they can conveniently be like “oh well keith is black paladin now” but?? i highly doubt it’s that simple. s2 made a point of showing how strong the bond was between black and shiro, i really don’t think she’d choose to reject him. i think she Knows. 
but okay you asked about personality traits so i should probably actually address that. So!!!!
- yeah there’s definitely something….off about this new version of shiro. i’m gonna say off the bat that i really don’t think he knows he’s a clone (i got another ask specifically about that so i’ll go into more depth on it later). he defo somehow has shiro’s memories but…he feels just kinda like a copy of shiro that has some half-assed version of shiro’s personality downloaded into his brain.- one thing that kinda tipped me off is that this shiro seems more focused on voltron than he does on like…his friends. - he keeps repeating like “i’m shiro and i’m a paladin of voltron” which feels kinda…robotic?? - when he sees voltron he’s like “VOLTRON!!” instead of like, you know, calling out his friends’ names or something. - maybe it’s just me but his interactions with keith in particular feel really “off” somehow. first of all their reunion is kinda brushed over which could just be for time’s sake, but it does feel a little anticlimactic considering how torn up keith was about shiro being gone. like….we know they are very close, keith canonically sees shiro as his big bro, and that’s pretty evident in the first two seasons––but if you ask me their s3 convos feel a little forced and weird? - this scene in particular feels really…..odd imo:
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like what? is this??? first off shiro’s dialogue sounds kinda stilted, like….if he is a clone with shiro’s memories, he probably at least knows that keith is like a little brother to him, and this feels like an attempt to acknowledge that somehow. but something about it feels like he’s just kinda going through the motions rather than actually saying this from the heart, if that makes sense. - but keith’s reaction is really what throws me off like…i know he’s stressed out about his new responsibilities, but for him to have literally no reaction to what shiro said doesn’t feel right. like, he values shiro’s opinion and i would think he would at least thank him or something, but he just….looks really upset and immediately looks away? i dunno, i feel like the boy knows at the back of his mind that something fishy may be going on.
there’s probably a lot more but i’m running on like literally zero hours of sleep…hopefully that kind of answers your question though! 
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caediteosa · 8 years ago
Tagged by @hollowedhorcrux
Name: Saritha Nickname: Bubbles Gender: i’m a dinosaur (female) Sign: libra Height: 5′2 / 159 cm Sexual orientation: bisexual Hogwarts house: slytherin Favourite colour: black/purple/red Favourite animal: penguins and wolves and felines Time right now: 22:00 Average hours of sleep: 5 to 10 bc i like extremes Cat or dog person: cat, defo. i’m scared of dogs most of the time Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter: not bellatrix lestrange (yes bella) and remus and harry Number of blankets you sleep with: 2/3 Favourite singer or band: nightwish Dream trip: the seventh hell. Dream job: working for that sleep program created by nasa When was this blog created? 19 / 09 / 2016 Current number of followers: 341 When did your blog reach it’s peak? uh half an hour ago when the 341th follower showed up, hi there! What made you decide to make a tumblr? my friend was like oh this is a nice blogging site, you should try it! and i’ve been in hell ever since
Tagging; @ofanimagi , @durinborn, @prcudcfhim, @true-augurey, @prcphvcies and you. yes you.
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